Monday - Friday 9am-5pm

Chafer beetles are a pest that can cause damage to lawns and turfgrass, there are several treatment options available to control infestations. Some common chafer beetle treatment methods include:

 Nematodes: These are microscopic worms that can be applied to the soil to target chafer beetle larvae. They are a natural and effective treatment option, but may take longer to show results.

 Insecticides: There are several insecticides available that can effectively kill chafer beetles and their larvae. However, some of these chemicals can be harmful to the environment and may require careful application and handling.

 Cultural practices: Maintaining a healthy lawn through proper watering, mowing, and fertilization can help to prevent chafer beetle infestations and reduce their impact.


Biological controls: Some natural predators of chafer beetles, such as birds and other insects, can help to control populations. However, this method may not be reliable and may require additional management efforts.

The best treatment approach will depend on the severity of the infestation, the type of turfgrass or lawn being treated, and other factors specific to your situation. It's recommended to consult with a professional landscaper or pest control specialist who can assess the situation and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

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Core aeration is a lawn care practice that involves removing small plugs of soil from the turf using a specialized machine called an aerator. This process has several benefits for lawns, including:


 Improved soil compaction: Over time, soil can become compacted due to foot traffic, heavy equipment, or other factors. Core aeration loosens the soil, allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate deeper into the root zone and promoting healthier grass growth.


Enhanced water infiltration: Compacted soil can prevent water from penetrating the root zone, leading to runoff and wasted water. Core aeration creates channels in the soil that allow water to penetrate more deeply, reducing runoff and improving water use efficiency.


Increased nutrient absorption: By removing soil plugs, core aeration opens up the soil to allow nutrients to reach the root zone more easily. This can lead to healthier grass growth, improved color, and thicker turf.


Reduced thatch buildup: Thatch is a layer of dead grass stems and other organic matter that can build up on the surface of the soil. Core aeration helps to break down thatch and speed up the decomposition process, which can improve soil health and promote healthier grass growth.


Improved air exchange: Compacted soil can prevent air from reaching the root zone, which can lead to stressed or unhealthy grass. Core aeration creates channels in the soil that allow air to circulate more freely, promoting healthier grass growth.

Overall, core aeration is an effective lawn care practice that can help promote healthier grass growth, improve soil health, and increase the resilience of lawns to environmental stresses.

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Monday -Friday 9am-5:30pm